dimarts, 9 de juny del 2015

One Thousand and One Nights

One Thousand and One Nights is a collection of West and South Asian stories. The first English edition was in 1706 and the tittle was "The Arabian Nights".
That work was collected over many centuries by various authors. 
The tales talk about Arabic, Persian, Indian, Egyptian and Mesopotamian folklore and literature. The tales have in common the initial frame stories; the ruler Shahryār and his wife Scheherazade.

Book's illustration

Some tales on that counts collection talk about the water.
The tales relate a story of misogyny, violence and maltreatment by the socials elites in the town. Then, the story teach us how the love, the comprehension and the respect can change the world and the relations in the people. Promotes the cordiality between the cultures, traditions and believes.

In conclusion, that work can show us how lived the society before. How the ingenuity can help us to survive.

Some tales:
  • The Merchant and the Demon.
  • The Fisherman and the Jinni.
  • The Story of the Porter and the Three Ladies.
  • The Hunchback cycle.
  • The Story of the Three Apples, enframing the Story of Nur al-Din and Shams al-Din
  • The Story of Nur al-Din Ali and Anis al-Jalis
  • The Story of Ali Ibn Baqqar and Shams al-Nahar
  • The Story of Qamar al-Zaman.


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