dimarts, 9 de juny del 2015

John Cage; Water music

John Cage 

John Cage was born on the 5th of september of 1912, in LA, California. He was one of the most important and significant composers in the 20th century.
He was introduced to music by some of his relatives, and his aunt introduced him to piano music of the 19th century and he got his first piano lesson in the 4th grade.
At one point of his life he was travelling Europe, when he dropped out of school. When he returned he went to Santa Monica, California, where he earned his living by delivering small and private lectures on contemporary art. 
In 1950, he was associated with the Wesleyan University and worked together with the staffs of its Music Department from 1950s till his death. He died in a hospital, due to a stroke that he had (the second one) the 12th of august in 1922. 

Fotography of John Cage
Water Music 
"Water music" was composed in 1952, it was a solo and the lenght of it was 6 minutes long.  This was one of the first performance pieces that John made. It involved, apart from the piano, a radio,  blowing different kind of bird-whistles, shuffling a deck of cards and shaking water receptables. Other items he used were; a water pitcher, an iron pipe, a goose call, a bottle of wine, an electric mixer, a sprinkling can, ice cubes, two cymbals, a mechanical fish, a quail call, a rubber duck, a tape recorder, a vase of roses, a seltzer siphon,  and a bathtub.  It consisted of 10 sheets each with 2 half sistems, and it was put on the wall as a large poster. 
This is a picture of a score sample.

In conclusion, it is called water music because John Cage used items with water or related with water, and made noises and different things with them. I found a lot of different information, however I found it a little hard to gather all of it, because there was also a lot of different information with it. But overall, I didn't have any other problems.





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